Saturday, 29 December 2012

Writerer vs Acelegion





Writerer: And I've been carrying my Duel disk and deck with me ever since.
Acelegion: Wow... Will the monkey ever recover?
Writerer: The Vet says that the object is permanently lodged into it.
Acelegion: To think, a whole town would be in on it...
Writerer: But anyway, I challenge you to duel Acelegion! If I win, you release the Scares!
Acelegion: And if I win?
Writerer: I'll let you take your counterpart, Acelegin's place. You'll be able to write all the duelling blogs you want!
Acelegion: You have yourself a deal, Writerer! Now lets duel!

A pillar started rising beneath me at this point, it rose up until I was level with him. Now that I was closer to him, his duel disk was like one of those shadow ones from season 4 of Yu-gi-oh. It looked epic, but it kind of just increased the villainous look of Acelegion. All of a sudden, shadows started protruding around us, until I could no longer see the Scare Mythos members, except for Acelegion.

Acelegion: Theres something you should know about this duel, Writerer!
Writerer: Is it a shadow game?!
Acelegion: Its a shado- What, are you the Scare of interrupting or something?!
Writerer: Sorry... So who's going first?
Acelegion: Um, I don't know, how do we decide?
Writerer: We could flip a coin?
Acelegion: I don't have a coin.
Writerer: Rock Paper Scissors?
Acelegion: Whats that?
Writerer: *Sighs* Why don't you just go first?

"Very well!" Acelegion said and suddenly my dueldisk's lifepoint slot shot up to 6000. "I'll start by summoning someone familiar! I summon Slendawg in attack mode!" With this, Slendawg appeared on the field, level 4 with 1600 attack and 600 defence. He stood there, motionless, he was completely under Acelegion's control. Acelegion carried onto say "And then I'll end my turn by placing down 2 face down cards!" Two face down cards appeared in his spell/trap card zone.

"My move!" I yelled and drew, but my cards were different... It must be the effects of the dimensional travel on them. "I'll start by activating the spell card, fissure! Sorry Slendawg." With this, a crack in the ground travelled from me to Slendawg but just before it hit, a green circle appeared beneath my fissure card and shot smoke up at it. "Nice try Writerer, but I activate magic jammer!" As Acelegion threw a card into his graveyard, my fissure was destroyed. "I'll summon one card face down and end my turn then." I said, ending my turn.

"My turn, and the start of your defeat! By removing 800 lifepoints per turn, I can activate the field spell, Twisted World!" Everything around me and Acelegion started to contort, even the pillars looked as if they did a few loops. "What Twisted World does is it allows me to change Scare cards to something worse than the fear cards! Gaze upon Twisted Fear: Slenderman!" Acelegion yelled as I looked at the former Slendawg, all I could see of him was a somehow, even more faceless face surrounded by a dark aura, with branches sticking out of it, attaching him to the walls, he was now level 9 with 3200 Attack and 2600 Defense.

"Now attack his monster!" With this, a branch shot out of Slenderman's aura and stabbed my card, and as it raised, I saw my Kuriboh being lifted back with the branch, and Slenderman's attack rose to 3500 points. "Every time my Slenderman destroys a monster with a level 6 or lower, it gains 300 attack! Then I'll end my turn placing another face down card!"

I was starting to worry, how could I destroy a fear card, everyone knows that they can't be destroyed except by other fears. But as I drew I saw a card that could potentially save me. "I summon Boxle!" I yelled dramatically and before me appeared a robot like thing made out of boxes at level 4 with 1500 attack and 1000 defence. "The hell is that thing?" Acelegion laughed mockingly. But I yelled back "This is a Pseudo-Fear card, while it can still be destroyed by non fear cards, it has enough power to destroy your fears! Plus, with its ability, I'm able to summon one Box Token per turn!" With this, a box appeared next to Boxle at level 1 with 0 attack and defence.

"Next I'll activate sword of revealing light!" I shouted and a sword of light struck into the Twisted Slenderman revealing what was beneath his shadowy aura, I could see my Kuriboh still impaled amongst the menacing suit of Slenderman. "Then I'll equip Boxle with the card, box armoury!" Boxle started growing larger with more boxes added onto him. He now had 2000 attack and 1500 defence points. "I'll end my turn there." I said.

Acelegion knelt down in pain as he lost another 700 lifepoints and then drew and said "Ha, that may have stopped me from attacking this turn but I can just prepare for your destruction next turn! Now I'll summon, Count Rake!" with this, Count Rake appeared but seconds later, he was affected by Twisted World. Now Count Rake looked like some feral creature with four arms, it was at level 8 with 2500 attack and defence. "Gaze upon Twisted Fear: Ultrake!" Acelegin yelled, ending his turn.

As another box token appeared, I drew. "I'll summon Boxle Proxle, Frank!" A warehouse worker appeared on my side of the field with a Box on his head, he was level 4 with 1800 attack and 1700 defence. "Then I'll activate my ritual card! Meta gaming! By discarding one level 2 card, I can change Frank into Birdy the Blog Writer!" Frank suddenly turned into a longer haired fellow with glasses, he was now at level 6 with 100 attack and 100 defence. "Now I'll use his ability to swap him out for a card of the same level from my deck! Say hello, to Brickathor!" A huge brick golem appeared in Birdy's place with 200 attack and 2300 defence at level 6. "I'll end my turn with a face down card!"

Acelegion grunted in pain as he lost another 700 lifepoints, he seemed to be getting irritated. "Slenderman! Destroy Boxle!" A branch shot out at Boxle, but luckily, my Brickathor had an ability "Using Brickathor, I can change the target to him instead!" Brickathor stepped in front of the attacked and was immediately destroyed, Slenderman gained another 300 attack points. But this time, instead of the attack ending at Brickathor, it proceeded to hit me and I suddenly felt Slenderman's branch stab into my chest, as I took 3300 lifepoint damage. "Seemed pretty pointless to allow yourself to take more damage than you needed to, but never the less, Ultrake! Destroy his Boxle!" Ultrake began to fire his claws at Boxle but I was having none of it. "I activate magic Cylinders!" Ultrake's claws fell into one of the cylinder and was reflected towards Acelegion, giving him 2500 damage to his lifepoints. "Urgh, I'll end my turn." Acelegion said.

With my third box token appearing I put my plan in action. "I activate re-stock! With this card, I can bring one monster back from the dead by sacrificing 2 of my box tokens. So come on back Brickathor!" Brickathor shot out of Slenderman's aura and took its place back on my field. "Next I'll activate Stock Order which allows me to bring one card from my deck to my hand at the cost of one box token. I took the card I needed from my deck and immediatly summoned... "Paperer!" A piece of paper appeared on my field at level 1 with 0 attack and defence.

"Is that supposed to defeat me?" Acelegion said mockingly. "No, this is! I activate polymerization! I fuse together Brickathor, Paperer and Boxle! To create..." A huge dragon made of boxes, paper and bricks appeared before me at level 10 with 4000 attack and 3000 defence. "Paxlethor!" Acelegion looked in horror at it in horror and shouted "Paxlethor?! But no one's ever been able to summon him!" Paxlethor let out a roar and I shouted out triumphantly "Paxlethor! Destroy his Ultrake and finish him off!" Paxlethor lifted one of its giant box, brick and paper claws and crushed Ultrake and destroying the pillar beneath Acelegion. Acelegion fell faster than his lifepoints.

When I finally climbed down the pillar, I saw Acelegion lying amonst the rubble, as I walked over to him, I could see that he was slowly fading away from the legs, travelling up. "Wr-Writerer, you dick..." He said, I looked around and I couldn't see the Scares "Where are they Acelegion." I asked but he just let out a weak laugh and said "I've already sent their Eldritch souls up to the boss, you'll have to beat the boss to get them back..." and with that he fully faded out.




-and thats why the Scare Mythos members are allowing me to travel up the tower to battle the other 4 leaders, oh yeah, Acelegion was a leader of the Scare Mythos and I defeated him. But I need to to do a lot of stair travel apparently so I'm gonna sever the connection, let me just adjust this thing... few twists... and...



Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Friday, 28 December 2012

Plan Time and Acelegion appears


So yeah, the Scares have set me up with this mind blogging thing, I just think and it automatically blogs about it. When I asked them how they came up with this sort of thing, they just told me that they read about it in this blog a while ago and thought it was a good idea. Really painful implantation, lets just say its a suppository...

So we've begun part 1 of the plan and are all riding the Loud now. I don't know how the Scares have managed to get the Loud to shut up but they told me that they stuffed a sock in its speech hole... I didn't really want to question that any further. We're approaching the Scare Mythos HQ now, its freaking huge, but all it is a giant skyscraper with an S on it. We're coming up to the wall now... and we're in, I had no idea that the <Insert all those names here> girl could do that, but she brought a huge chunk of the wall down.

We're in now and we can see a few Scare Mythos members approaching and... Holy shit, Slendawg just challenged them to a break dance competition to the death. The Scare Mythos members are pulling off some pretty swift moves but Slendawg is dancing as if he has had years of practice. Wow this competition would go great with music. Slendawg's won, the Scare Mythos kind of just dropped dead, midway through. Slendawg is saying about how he had about 20 points over them, so he was clearly going to win.

Alright, we've got the Scare Mythos uniforms and it turns out that they're just name tags... I asked why we couldn't of just made some nametags but the Scares don't seem to get how that would've been different from how they got them. The nametag I was given says 'Googlebot', kind of a weird name but whatever. We're assassin's creeding down the hallways now, I have to admit, the Hot Boy's got some pretty good Assassin moves, but unfortunatly I can't tell him that, he's pretentious enough as he is.

We're entering the main hall and the Literal Blind Man is taking the Eldritch C4 to the middle of the room and OH CRAP, AMBUSH!

The Scare Mythos members have all sprung out, we're engaging in battle with them now. Theres so many! We can't fight them all! The Living Women are just fighting against us now, they must have been possessed by Scare Mythos members, why did we even bring them!? What possible use do women who get possessed by whoever touches them to a room full of enemies serve?!

The Scare Mythos are just tossing the Brute around the room like a basketball and all the Brute can do is yell death threats at them! God damn is that adorable, but thats not the point, we're getting our ass handed to us! Count Rake is just yelling about how rude the Scare Mythos are and getting punched in return! I don't even want to think about what they're doing to Slendawg.

We're doomed- Wait! Oh my god! I forgot about the non-useless Scares! The Convocation and Intrusion, they're kicking ass! I forgot all about how they didn't get nerfed and only switched names! We might actually win this, the Scare Mythos are getting beaten the crap out of! Its raining down with their name tags Yeah, take that Achilles you just got <CONTENTS DELETED> by a bug! And you, Minute-Odyssey, you just got the same done to you but with a bird, and upside down instead!

I can't believe this... we're going to win th- Wait, who is that up on the pillar? Yeah theres a pillar in here. He's raising his arm in the air, wait, is that a duel disk? Crap! The Scares are all getting sucked up into it! I'm grabbing onto to one of the Convocation's bugs, crap, I just squished it... Its weird, you never think of a bug's life that much, but they probably value it just as much as- Shit! The Scares!

They're all gone now... The Scare Mythos members have me surrounded and the person up on the pillar is just laughing. I can see him more clearly now, he's wearing a trench coat and fedora, he looks like a villain "Did you really think you could beat us Writerer?! Let alone, me?! The great Acelegion?!"


Writerer: How do you know who I am DoucheLegion?!
Acelegion: First off, theres no need for that, alright, douche is just a mean thing to call me. Second off, we've read your blog Writerer, we knew of your plan to attack of us.
Writerer: Damn... I forgot that blogs can travel through to different dimensions...
Acelegion: It matters no longer! I have your friends Writerer, they're trapped in my cards and finally! My deck is complete!
Writerer: Deck? You're a duelist?
Acelegion: The greatest! If I were in another dimension, I'd make blogs about them!
Writerer: Acelegion! I challenge you to a duel!



Good Luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

The Plan

The Target:
The Scare Mythos have been hunting down the Scares recently, if they are not stopped soon, then the Scares will cease to exist. The Scare Mythos currently has 241 members, including at least 5 leaders.

The Objective:
Woop their ass and save the Scares.

Reasons for doing the objective:
The Scares are pretty useless and I feel sorry for them...

Part 1: Getting into the HQ:
First of all, we all ride the Literal Blind Man the Loud to the Scare Mythos HQ which is located at the centre of the city. We then use the <Insert all those names here> girl's powers to break down the wall, which we proceed to enter.

Part 2: Sneaking around:
Using the powers of Slendawg, we knock out some Scare Mythos members and steal their uniforms, using these, we go around the place, assassins creed, style, until we reach the main hall.

Part 3: Planting the Eldritch C4:
Yeah, we have Eldritch C4, don't question it. We get the Literal Blind Man to place it in the middle of the room, it has to be the exact middle though, otherwise it won't work.

Part 4: Exploding the Eldritch C4:
Once it explodes, the Eldritch C4 will throw the Scare Mythos HQ through the rift into another dimension, there will obviously be no drawbacks to that.

Part 5: Badass Escape Scene:
We walk out of the Scare Mythos HQ in a cool way, without looking back at the awesome looking explosion.

The plans tomorrow, I'm getting my brand new weapon soon and we are gonna kick ass! I am so freaking pumped!

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

The Scares and Slendawg's Break Dancing

"WELCOME WRITERER! TO OUR LAIR!" the loud immediately shouted as it saw me, to which I replied "Um yeah, I've been here before." The loud was followed by a bunch of others and I'm saying now, they looked weird. They then got in seemed to get into different positions and for the next hour they performed a song and dance introducing me to the lair... it was beautiful. After they had finished the loud floated above them and started to say, well shout "NOW ALLOW ME TO INTROD-!" but I had to interrupt it and say "Ummm why don't you let them introduce themselves" with this, the loud started making whining sounds but then went floated down and one by one the scares introduced themselves.

The tall faceless guy in the hoodie stepped up first "Yo man, I'm Slendawg and Slendawging is the game." he said with a tone that one would use if they were rapping. "What's Slendawging?" I asked but at this point he was break dancing so the next Scare came up next.

The next guy had one of those blind people canes and the glasses to go with it, he sort of walked to the left, facing the wrong way and started yelling "I am the Literal Blind Man!" and then walked back and fell over. I looked at him oddly and went "Are you ok?" but he just cupped his ear and went "Whats that sonny?!" so I just looked on to the next one.

Then this grumpy looking guy walked over and said "I'm the Frowning Man." and then kind of frowned at me intensely for the rest of the meeting, I tried looking him the eyes, but it kind of freaked me out because he seemed to have an eternal cross eyed thing going on so I just moved onto the next Scare.

At this point the loud floated up in front of me and went "I AM THE LOUD, HELLO!" after waiting about an hour for my hearing to return to me, I carried on being introduced to the Scares.

A little girl ran up and started saying "Hi my name is Alyssa Van Mark Mcpactrik El Rosenbelt Farheim Lepr-" she carried on saying her name until I eventually just yelled "NEXT!" the girl just got back into place and sulked.

Then a little boy ran up to me and offered to shake my hand, I took his hand and my hand instantly caught on fire. After some crazy antics involving me putting out the fire, he said "Sorry about that, but I am the Hot Boy!" Yeah I know... pretentious much... I just ignored him after he said that to try and kill off some of his pretentiousness. He did the same as that annoying girl and sulked.

A barbershop quartet band of four stepped up next and said:
"We arrrre! The Baaaarbershop Quartet!"
"We arrrre! The Baaaarbershop Quartet!"
"We arrrre! The Baaaarbershop Quartet!"
"We arrrre! The Baaaarbershop Quartet!"
 Immediatly, I knew I loved them to death, but I was getting tired of being introduced slowly, so I just nodded and moved onto the next ones.

Next, a guy in medical scrubs wearing a plague doctor mask stepped up and said "Umm hello, I am the Plague Intern, I'll patch ya up if you need to be patched" he said, while holding up surgical tools, but then as he walked back, he stumbled and made a hilarious moment of him dropping his tools, while he was picking up his stuff, I looked over to the next Scare.

Then a group of women stepped up and in unison said "We are the Living Women! If you need a body to hop in, we're the ones for you to come to." I saw the Truther and the main Living Woman standing there but there were another two who proceeded to introduce themselves, one said to me kindly "I am the Owen." while the other one said quietly "my fucking name is heavenice."

The next Scare was this woman covered in snakes who said "I'm the Lover of Snakes and I loooooove snakes!" she then started cackling madly while throwing snakes around, we had to run around after her and take away her snakes until finally, Slendawg did a flying jump kick to her face, after that, we continued with the introductions.

Then this guy in a lab coat walked up to me and went "You don't believe in God do you?!" when I nodded he scoffed and went "Ha! There is obviously no God you fool! I know this for you see, I am the Atheist!" and then for some reason he started laughing maniacally and walked back to the group of Scares.

The next up was a little person and he was adorable. He stomped over to me, trying to look fierce and said "I am the Brute!" he had a little squeaky voice and after hearing it I immediately picked him up and went "You are just adorable!" he thrashed about and started yelling "Put me down! I will destroy you!" after putting him down, he stomped back over to the Scares.

After that, this fancy looking man with a cane strolled up to me and said "Good day to you old bean, I am Count Rake." He seems quite snooty to me, to be honest, he had a monocle, tophat and everything you'd expect from a fancy man, he then strolled back and joined the Scares.

And lastly, a bunch of birds flew over along with a swarm of insects came over to me. The birds screeched about how they were The Intrusion and the insects said that they were The Convocation . "That's not very interesting, they sound like reasonable names for you..." I said to them. "Yeah but what they've done here is switched places!" Slendawg explained and all the Scares started cheering for the next hour, after that, we carried on with the meeting.

"NOW WRITERER! YOU MUST BLOG ABOUT US! WE'LL DISCUSS THE PLAN AFTERWARDS! NOW GOOOOO!" The loud started yelling at me. And so here I am blogging, the Scares had started cheering again so I've had a while to write this but they seem to be quieting down now so I should wrap this post up and hear the plan.

P.S The weird post dating is because I'm in a different dimension so shut up.

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

New Women and Waiting

So I went back to the Scares' hideout again today. Here's an exact rendition of what happened, because you know I have a perfect memory.

So after being in another high speed car chase, I arrived at the rec centre and I could tell straight away, something was different. They now had a door bell installed. I rang it and funnily enough, it started playing some self recorded clip of the loud singing I'm to sexy... It was kind of just it yelling the words with no tone or anything, but damn does the loud pull that song off.

I waited at the door for about 20 minutes before I was greeted by a woman. I hadn't seen this woman before so naturally I got into my battle stance and was ready to attack her. With a terrified look on her face, she said "No, no! I'm also a scare! Please don't hurt me!" and started tearing up. Hopping out of my battle stance I asked "You're a scare? Which one?" Me getting out of my battle stance seemed to get her to calm down a bit and she told me that she is another version of the living woman, named The Truther.

So after we talked about our dreams and the future, she lead me inside the base. We entered the room with the swimming pool and... well... no one has actually arrived yet. So I'm typing up this post whilst waiting for... Oh wait they're here, gotta go!

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Tale of Recollection #3

Taking the mobile out of my pocket with break-neck speed, I looked to find a text saying. Yo, LW, meeting at the old rec. centre at exactly 6pm, don't be late. Peace out! -Slendawg. I couldn't help but think that the name was familiar. I looked at the watch that was now on my wrist and saw that it was 5:40... I only had 20 minutes or this woman would be tardy, and as a hero, I won't allow that.

I looked over at a parking lot to see a man on his moped, so I quickly ran over and flying jump kicked him off of it. While still in the air, I grabbed the handle of the moped and ninja'd my way onto the seat, swiftly driving as fast as I could towards to the rec. centre.

Now don't ask me how I knew which way it was.

Dodging cars as I went at the extreme speed as I was going (making sure not to go above 87mph in case of time travel of course) I was suddenly confronted by two police cars. I quickly went around them, but they gave chase to me, we went streaming down the roads, dodging obstacles. I tried to lose them, but these two were not budging, the police officers in the rider's seat began shooting at me, I needed to lose them soon or I'd be seriously hurt. So I activate the oil trap mechanism and the oil spurted out of the back of the moped and the police cars lost control as they drove over it. Seeing that they had crashed, I realised that I had beaten them. But I quickly pressed on the breaks and realised that the rec. centre was on the other side of town.

Now don't ask how I knew that.

So activating the turbo boosters of the moped I raced back down and managed to reach the rec. centre with 2 minutes to spare. I had done it, I saved this woman who's body I am in from being tardy. I knocked on the door and was greeted by a tall looking man wearing a hoodie and a backwards baseball cap, I looked up and with bemused horror, I saw that the man... had no face. Immediately I realised how similar he looked to slenderman on a casual friday.

 He looked at me and said "Aw yeah! Hows it rolling LW?!" and he raised his hand for a high five. Now I'm not a man to turn down a high five but I was so bemused and horrified that I just stood there frozen in place. "LW? Whats up dawg?" and suddenly a look of realisation came upon his face.

Now don't ask me how he had a look of realisation when he has no face.

"Yo man, you is him in it... the Writerer?" He said, suddenly fist pumping into the air. He turned and shouted to inside the Rec. Centre "Yo guys, LW did, she brought the Writerer!" All of a sudden I had this guy bringing me inside the Rec. Centre, I didn't resist because I was still frozen with bemusement and horror. Seriously, don't feel those two feelings at the same time... it messes you up. So we walked into the community centre and we were greeted by a strange looking group of people.

"WELCOME TO OUR DOMAIN WRITERER!" a loud voice suddenly said, behind me, this made me scream which proceeded to make all the other people in the room scream for about 30 minutes, so by the time we all calmed down, it was starting to get dark outside. I turned around to see a giant pink blob in the middle of the room. "I AM THE LOUD, WRITERER, AND TOGETHER WE ARE THE SCARES!" it shouted at me, I held my hands over my ears but to no avail as the loud continued, "WE ARE IN NEED GREAT HELP WRITERER, AND YOU SHALL BE THE ONE TO HELP US."

I wasn't surprised that they wanted me to help as I am pretty awesome but as I was about to ask what I needed to do, the loud talked over me, shouting "BUT YOU ARE WEARY! AND YOU MUST BECOME ACCUSTOMED TO THIS AREA! SO GO NOW AND RETURN IN ROUGHLY ONE MONTH'S TIME!" All of a sudden I was in a swanky hotel room, I looked down at myself and I was even in my own body again. I looked around and saw a note on the mirror which said


So yeah, that ends my tales of recollection, this is where I am now, I've been busy exploring the place,  I asked some people what this place was called and they told me it was the Full City. Its almost time for me to go back to the rec. centre again and I am pumped, I'm gonna help them so hard. But until then...

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Tale of Recollection #2

So there I was, plummeting towards Earth, clearly at such speed, crashing into the ground would kill me. But I knew I wasn't going to be able to find out as I was starting to black out. I wasn't actually that scared, to be honest I was rather pissed at how easy Paralaladox defeated me. If I was still holding my interdimensionary laser katana, I would've defeated him with ease. Eventually I blacked out.

I awoke to find myself being stared at by a bunch of random people, they looked concerned, but I had no idea why. I felt fine, but then I remembered that I had been falling towards the ground at like 100MPH, but I didn't feel like I had smashed into the ground... I noticed that I was lying on the ground, so I tried to stand up, only to fall back over, my sense of balance seemed off. I tried getting up more carefully the second time, but my sense of balance still seemed off.

"Are you alright miss?" one of those random people said to me, I was a little concerned that he had called me miss, I mean I didn't think I looked that feminine... "Do I really look that feminine to you?" The random person looked at me oddly "Well the breasts are kind of a give away..." they said. I replied "Well yeah, I gues- wait what?!" I looked down and saw that two lumps were coming from my chest. The random people started saying how I may have a concussion and should go see a doctor. But I told them that I was just kidding and that I should really be going, with that I ran off, around the corner.

I looked at my reflection through a shop window and saw that I definitely was a woman, I now had shoulder length black hair, green eyes... other stuff that had changed... I was even wearing different clothes than I had before. I checked my pockets for any ID, and found a card saying that this woman's name was The 'Living' Woman. I had no idea what was going and was starting to consider that I now had the ability to change forms when suddenly a mobile phone in my pocket was ringing.

But again, I have to cut this short as I need to go do something again.

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Tale of Recollection #1

So, yeah, I haven't updated my blog in a long time, its mainly because I've been pretty busy and mainly because I've had to get a new laptop. So, for your benefit reader, I'm gonna do a few tales of recollection that'll say what happened to me since my last post!

So there I was, being dragged in a cage by Danny the stabber, he was surprisingly strong to drag me all the way up this mountain. I was pretty pissed off at him, considering he was unnecessarily betraying me to take me to Super Archangel, which was where I was going in the first place, plus he had done some sort of spell to stop me from being able to speak. We were almost at the top of the mountain and I could see a bright amber glow coming from it, there were steampunk tentacles flailing all over the place.

He started chuckling ominously and began to slow his cage dragging process until it finally came to a stop. By this time, we were at the top and in horror I looked over to see Super Archangel floating about 5 inches from the ground in a glowing amber sphere. As I looked at it, the sphere started to crack apart and with a huge shine, Super Archangel appeared before me, he looked a lot more powerful and was at least 5 inches taller. He clicked his fingers and all of a sudden, I could speak again.

Super Archangel: Ahhhh you've made it I see!
Me: Why did you have this guy knock me out?!
Super Archangel: To bring you to me, obviously!
Me: But I was coming t- Is everybody in Bliss a fucking idiot?!
Danny: Takes one to know one...

At this point, I got out my laser katana that Danny hadn't taken off of me which probably would've been smart. With it, I did one of those spinning slashes that you see Link do in the Legend of Zelda and with that the cage was broken. I leaped at Danny to chop him in half, but he was suddenly absorbed into Super Archangel who then proceeded to attack me with his steampunk tentacles with the blades at the end. I did a few barrel rolls and managed to chop them off.

But the severed tentacles just slithered into Super Archangel's hand and they morphed into a steampunk scythe. He began to start spinning the scythe and with it dawned on me that he was using his limit break, without even needing to charge it! Super Archangel shouted out "Steampunk Archangel's Smite!" and a steampunk whirlwind shot out from his spinning scythe. This time I was ready though and I ripped open a portal to some place called the crumbling castle and Super Archangel's limit break blast just shot into that, before the portal closed I could hear an explosion.

Clearly getting annoyed, Super Archangel shouted "That's it! Steampunk scythe swing!" and he zoomed towards me with his steampunk scythe glowing a bright amber colour, I tried to block with my laser katana but as the steampunk scythe collided with it, the laser katana shattered. As soon as it shattered, loud manic giggling filled the area, I looked at Super Archangel, but he was equally confused about it. I looked down at my laser katana to notice it was releasing this huge amount of smoke.

The smoke rose up into the air and formed into this huge face of some guy, wearing these huge sets of headphones. He looked Icelandic. Me and Super Archangel continued watching as he eventually became a complete giant floating head. "Who are you?!" Super Archangel questioned the floating face. The giant face looked down at us and with a loud giggle, he began to speak "I am Paralaladox!" he had the same voice that the voice in my head had. I realised he must have been the same person as the voice. I decided at that moment, if I were ever to write about him a conversation recollection, as P-Dox.

Me: You! You're the voice!
P-Dox: No shit, Sherlock!
Super Archangel: Where the hell did you come from anyway?!
P-Dox: After you smashed that laser katana that I've been trapped in for one thousand and 1 years, I was finally released!
Super Archangel: Well, prepare to be dispatched!

With that remark, Super Archangel shot his steampunk tentacles at Paralaladox, but with a click of Paraladox's tongue, Super Archangel suddenly went flying across Bliss and crashed in Blissville.

P-Dox: Ha! You really think you can take on the Fear of Multiverses?!
Writerer: Thanks man! If ya don't mind though I kinda-
P-Dox: I'm not a good guy you fool... Now off with you!
Writerer: Wha-?!

Suddenly, a portal appeared underneath me, which left me no choice but to fall through it and everything went black.

I'll rap up here and continue my tale of recollection later, I really need to go do something right now.

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Betrayal and Cages

So me and Danny were on our way to the Forest of Void when all of a sudden, Danny whacked me on the head with the hilt of his knife. It hurt like hell and then every started going blue... I think everything was supposed to go black, but this is Bliss that I'm in, so I kinda guessed things will be different. And with that, I started going down until I fully went unconscious.

I woke up to find myself inside what appeared to be a cage, I could see it was crudely constucted out of stone; just a roof, floor, door and bars. The cage was somewhat old as it had moss growing all over it, I don't know how I was able to tell judging by how dark it was. I turned around to see someone was pulling this cage up some sort of mountain path, it was Danny! He was pulling the cage with a rope as if I weighed nothing, something was different about him... Without looking back at me, he began to speak.

Danny: "So you're finally awake huh...?"
Me: "What's going on you crazy bastard?!"
Danny: "I knocked you out, put you in a cage and now I'm pulling the cage with you in it..."
Me: "Ok...Why did you do that stuff."
Danny: "So that I can take you to the Super Archangel..."
Me: "Wha-?"
Danny: "The ultimate Bliss lord has commanded that I bring you to him. So it was necessary for me to knock you out so you couldn't stop me from bringing you to him..."
Me: "But I was trying to get to him in first place! You were already bringing me to him!"
Danny: "Yes but, you were going the wrong way..."
Me: "But you were leading me that way!"
Danny: "Enough! We draw near to the Super Archangel!

With that last sentence, Danny reached into the cage and fucking slapped me. After he did though, I felt a burning sensation on my cheek, I found that after being slapped, I could no longer open my mouth to speak. I was pretty pissed at this, so I just started typing this post. And here I am now, we're almost at the top of the mountain and I can see steampunk tentacles flailing all over the place up there. I'm going to admit it, I'm a little bit nervous... but I've got a plan. I'll end this post here for now.

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer. Except you Danny, you suck.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Walking and More Walking

So from what the map says, me and Danny are going to have to pass through three main areas, the map calls them; The Forest of Void, Bliss Inner city and The Jagged Corner. I don't exactly know what they look like though, the map literally just displays names. Danny says it doesn't need pictures but I think you readers agree with me that the pictures are the only thing that makes maps at all interesting.

The map says that we're gonna have to pass through The Forest of Void first and to be honest, I'm not to fussed about going to it... I mean, how bad can voids possibly be? By looking at the map, people not knowing the name of the forest is probably how the forest is going to get them. I asked Danny if he's ever been to it and he said its sprung up only recently.

I hope we get their soon, we've kind of just been walking this whole time, I wanted to get a Bliss taxi but I sunk all my money on the Bliss hotel room that I never even used and Danny doesn't have any money... I'm pretty sure he's a Bliss hobo. The reason that I'm able to rest my legs and type up this post at the moment is because Danny started stabbing a tree...

Oh wait, he's apparently done now... I guess I should end this post up then.

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Blissville and Danny the stabber

I managed to find is some weird town called Blissville. When I jumped through the portal, I ended up right in the middle of the village and all of the town's people were staring at me...with their weird blissful expressions. I'm actually kind of annoyed about that to be honest, I seem to be the only one in Bliss that doesn't feel any bliss, I have no idea why though! Its probably the interdimensionary laser katana working its lasery magics on me.

When I arrived in Blissville, I was told by one of the town's people that I would need to get my money exchanged for Bliss dollars, which only gave me like 30 Bliss dollars to £100. Its ok though, because I had enough to pay for a hotel room and a team of people to keep my portal open and some weird food called Bliss nuggets...they're alright though, they're chewy. The town's people are actually quite friendly, they're just kind of annoying to talk to because they're blissful all the time and they go on about how much they love the Archangel.

Once I had all my affairs in Blissville sorted, I started going around town asking about Super Archangel and his whereabouts but they just started dancing and uttering what they called 'super prayers' to him. I was starting to get annoyed when I suddenly heard the voice again. We actually had a nice conversation.

Voice: Sup, Writerer hows it going?
Me: Trying to find out where Super Archangel is...
Voice: Follow the red lines.
Me: Wha?
Voice: Follow the fucking red lines!
Me: Ok! Ok!

So I took the voice's advice and followed a red line which was conveniently right in front of me, I took about 8 steps before it ended though, I turned around to leave to come face to face with a bearded gentleman with a monocle. He looked at me with a crazed expression and whispered "I hear you're looking for Super Archangel...". I nodded slowly and took a step back away from him. "They call me Danny the stabber in these parts... can you guess why?" he said as he began to draw a knife from his pants and then I noticed that it was in fact... a laser knife!

He lunged at me but I quickly parried with my laser katana and from there we had an epic battle that was so amazing that I can't possibly describe it properly in this post, so I won't try. Eventually though, we tired each other out and we went to Danny's cabin to discuss stuff. He lit his pipe (yeah, he smokes a pipe) and began telling me about how Super Archangel has begun trying to make Bliss more civilized and has begun removing the blissfulness feeling in people, he then told me of a map that always leads towards Archangel so it should still work on Super Archangel.

Danny got up at that point and got the map out of his pants and handed it over to me.

Danny: That is the map that leads to Super Archangel!
Me: Ok, ok, you don't need to yell...
Danny: I shall accompany you on your journey!
Me: thats alri-
Danny: ONWARDS!!!!

And at that, he ran out of the door, I should probably set off too. I was just using Danny's computer to type up this post. Yep, they have computers here in bliss now, oddly enough, they run on windows 7... Well anyway, I really should set off on my journey.

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Bass Solo and Super Archangel

Something bad just happened. Well, I say bad, you probably won't find it as bad as I find it bad, or like someone who doesn't read this blog at all, won't find it bad in the slightest, but I find it bad and that's how I'm going to describe the situation. I'm getting sidetracked... The fact of the matter is, something bad has happened, my room mate... has been taken. Here's the story of what happened:

Basically, me and my room mate were playing guitar hero and my room mate was yelling at me because I kept trying to do bass solos. When all of a sudden, there was a loud explosion from up stairs which alarmed us both, but then I remembered that I had set my computer to play the sound of explosions at random intervals so we calmed down a bit. All of a sudden, we saw Archangel crashing through the window.

Archangel stood up, shaking off the glass and looked over at me and my room mate. "Sup..." he said, me and my room mate didn't really respond, we were kind of startled. He then said "Usually its polite to say hi back but whatever...But anyway, Writerer! Witness as I gain ultimate power!" I had had enough of Archangel by then so I went, "What is your problem?!" This made the Archangel step back a bit as if I made him jump.

He didn't answer me, but instead took a glass orb out of his pocket. I noticed that a miniature slenderman was trapped inside it, I could see him trying to break free from the glass orb, slenderman looked mad. Archangel rose the glass orb in the air and shouted "Watch as I gain ultimate power!" and then Archangel started eating the glass orb, don't ask me how he did it with a gas mask, he literally started eating the glass orb with slenderman in it!

And suddenly, a silvery glow came out of Archangel's gas mask eye parts. As this happened, I turned to see my room mate being dragged by an invisible force towards Archangel, she didn't seem very happy about fact, she seemed scared. I rushed over and tried to grab her hand, to pull her away from Archangel, but I was to late... she got sucked into Archangel's gas mask. As soon as that happened, the silvery light, turned golden.

As I watched Archangel do something, I saw him beginning to get taller and more and more steampunky, he also started to take his trench coat off for some reason... he didn't have a shirt on underneath, he didn't have nipples either, nor a bellybutton. After about 1/2 an hour, the light stopped and I looked at Archangel to see this. (I took a picture of him, don't ask how or why.)

" is so...powerful!" he said, with a mixture of Archangel's, Slenderman's and my room mate's voice. I stepped back a little. "What did you do to my room mate, Archangel!" I shouted at him. He looked over at me and said "I am no longer Archangel... Call me SUPER ARCHANGEL!" I thought that was a stupid name and was about to tell him when suddenly he rose one of his steampunk styled tentacles and with a flash of golden light, someone appeared in its grasp.

I realised that it wasn't just any person, it was this guy I knew, he went by the name Somnambulist. Somnambulist looked at me and said "All is right when you make the rules!" Super Archangel rose another steampunk tentacle and jammed it into Somnambulist's brain and before I knew it, he was dead. "Why the hell did you do that?!" I yelled at Super Archangel. He laughed at me and said "Testing out my powers... well I'll be leaving then, we shall have out battle a bit later, I have more power testing to do." and with that, he disappeared in a flash of smoke.

I was left standing there, alone. My room mate was actually gone this time... and I wasn't about to just sit down and take it, that dick head had taken my room mate and I can't afford to pay the rent by myself. So I grabbed my laser katana and slashed open a portal to bliss. I'm just getting my stuff ready and writing this post before I go.

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Interlude and Weaponized Xbox Controllers

So lately, me and room mate have just been chilling out, we were pretty happy that we had defeated both Slenderman and Archangel. But I can't shake the feeling the feeling that something bigger, badder and stronger too, like the best member of that eldritch crew is going to show up at anytime. I told my room mate about this and she just laughed and threw an xbox controller at me... I'm not sure why she felt the need to throw something at me, but I'm probably going to refrain from telling her stuff like that for a while.

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Battle #2 part 2 and Icelandic Accents

So I had the battle with Archangel, here's what went down:

I stared into Archangel's eyes...well, gas mask eye parts. He began to laugh and began yelling "Embrace the Archangel!" and suddenly rushed at me, preparing to strike me down with his scythe. Luckily, I was able to do a barrel roll to move out of the way. Archangel was fast though, as soon as I got back on my feet, I turned to see him swinging his scythe towards my head, I ducked and swung my laser katana at his legs, he jumped backwards to the other end of the arena. I knew something was up, why would he stop attacking?

It was then that I noticed that Archangel was spinning his scythe and starting to glow a yellow glow, I didn't know what was about to happen so I raised my laser katana and got into my defence position. We kind of just stood like that for a while and as I was beginning to let my guard down, Archangel shouted "Archangel's smite!" and then it dawned upon me. Archangel had charged and was using his limit break.

A tornado of darkness suddenly shot of Archangel's spinning scythe and went right into me, I tried to endure it, but eventually the gust caught me and almost made me fall off of the ledge, luckily I had managed to grab on to the ledge. I tried to pull myself up but found that I didn't have enough strength left in me, after being hit by Archangel's limit break. I looked up to see Archangel's gas masky face staring down at me. "I believe I have won, I'll just leave you here to fall..." he began to turn around and I truly felt defeated, I was giving up.

But then, I heard a voice in my head, it came out of nowhere and was in my head. It talked with an American a New York accent with a big hint of an Icelandic & German accent... I then began to wonder how I knew what an Icelandic accent sounded like but I realised that the voice was still talking.

"...and that's the summary of who and what I am and my intentions... Anyway, get back up, pull yourselves together and kick that freak back to yesterday!"

These words for some reason, filled me with enough willpower to climb back up onto the arena and as I got up, I looked over at Archangel who was still walking away, I shouted over to him "Hey Archangel, I'm not done yet buddy..." Archangel turned around, I could see the annoyance in his...gas mask. He rushed at me once again, swinging his scythe frantically. But I was having none of this now, I rolled out the way and with deadly accuracy, I threw the laser katana straight at Archangel's gas mask. As it collided with his gas mask a bright shine and all of a sudden, I was standing in my bedroom.

I had won the battle. I looked around and saw Archangel, sitting on my bed. "No one has ever beaten me in combat...well except that Daniel Ferris guy...but whatever!" he said, then he turned around looking at me with pure fury emanating from his gas mask and said to me "Heed my warning Writerer! The next time we meet, I will be so much more powerful than you could ever imagine!" and with that, he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

But I noticed that where Archangel was originally, there was a needle labelled 'Room mate's cure' and my laser katana. I figured that these were my rewards. So I took the needle and jammed it into my room mate's head. She woke up after and straight away she was able to say things other than 'Embrace the Archangel'! So we went and celebrated by playing Rockband on vocals all night.

Life is good right now, if I disregard what Archangel said...

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Arch-ileitis and The Battle #2

I was awoken once again. As I was lying in bed, I felt a nudge on my back and could hear someone saying "Writerer...hey Writerer...are you awake?". I turned around and was face to face with the man in the gas mask, well I mean face to gasmask. As he saw the look of realisation in my face, he stood up straight. I could see that he was wearing a trench coat which basically covered his body...I kinda hoped that he was wearing something underneath.

So I kept laying in my bed and we kinda just stared at each other for about 30 minutes until finally he spoke. "So, you are the man who was able to hold his own against the Slenderman?" (I got his name right!) I slowly nodded, not sure what was happening. All of a sudden, he lifted his arms and shouted "Well then, I believe it is about time that I saw how good of a fighter you really are!"

At this, we suddenly weren't in my bedroom anymore, we were in what looked like a floating rock, it wasn't to big, if you've played Super Smash bros: Brawl, then you would notice that it was similar to that Final Destination map. I also noticed that I was no longer in my evening clothes but rather in a trench coat that looked quite similar to the gas mask guy's one except that it seemed somewhat more armourly. "Welcome to the Bliss Arena!" gas mask man said.

At this point, I decided to say something "Who the heck are you?!" The gas mask guy began laughing loudly and kept on laughing for what seemed like an hour until finally he said "You fool... I... AM THE ARCHANGEL!" I immediately recognised that name as the same one that my room mate has been saying for days now. I pointed at the archangel screaming "What did you do to my room mate?!" The Archangel looked like he was thinking for a bit before saying "She must have caught Arch-ileitis while I was near her. Tell you what, if you can defeat me, I will give her the antidote!"

I nodded to this and all of a sudden, a weapon rack appeared in front of me, it had all kinds of weapons on it, each being labelled clearly of what they were. Unfortunately, there was no iron fists, so with a sigh, I picked up the boring 'Laser Katana'. Jumping into my battle stance, I saw that the Archangel was wielding the 'Scythe of Large Proportion'. He looked over to me as we both took our sides of the battlefield and said "Get ready Writerer, this could be your final fight..."

Well I should really get back to this fight, Archangel let me blog about this part before we start.

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Interrogations and More Archangel

I've been keeping my room mate tied up down in the basement, I felt it was the most humane thing to do since plan B was to remove her legs... I've been bringing her food and I gave her a bucket for the toilet business and stuff so I think I'm being fair. I even gave her a TV...although, it can't change channel... and it only get 1 working channel...and its not on that channel right now.

Well anyway, I went to interrogate her today, you know, to like find out whats been going on. Since I have an awesome memory, here is a precise transcript of what was said and what happened. I'm 'Me' and room mate is 'RM'.

Me: *Walks into the room* Well well well...what do we have here?
Me: Yeah...about that...its not that I don't want to embrace the Archangel, its just that...I don't give into peer pressure...
RM: *Sad look came over her face* *mumbles* embrace the archangel...
Me: Now...who is this Archangel?
RM: Embrace the Archangel! Embrace the Archangel!
Me: *Getting angry* No! I don't want to embrace him!
RM: Embrace the Archangel!
Me: No!
RM: *Shaking her head* Embrace the Archangel!
Me: that all you can say?
RM: *Nodding* Embrace the Archangel!
Me: Oh...why is that?
RM: Embrace the archangel, Embrace the archangel, Embrace the archangel!
Me: *Nodding* I see...So if I let you go...will you not attack me?
RM: *Nods*

So after that, I untied her, she punched me at the first chance she got. But she nodded the truth and didn't attack me, so all is back to normal, except the fact that she can only say 'Embrace the Archangel. She is still able to write though so we're just using that for her to communicate.

She says that she woke up and noticed that she could only say that, she went to try and wake me but I apparently overreacted and thought she was attacking me... Shes going to get it checked out tomorrow by seeing a doctor.

Well its getting pretty late, I should be going...

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Archangel and Knocking out Room Mates

So I had a bit of an awkward time trying to get to sleep last night, I was lying in bed, with my eyes closed and all of a sudden, my room mate kicks down the door. I could see that she was holding her sword of fire aspect and she was in her battle stance. Then out of no where she starts screaming "Embrace the Archangel!" and attacks me. What surprised me most is how agile she was with a broken ankle.
Luckily I was able to dodge the sword by doing a barrel roll onto the floor. She turned around to face me, fury showing in her eyes, and then swung the sword of fire aspect at me again. This time, I wasn't so lucky and she cut my leg... it immediately set on fire. So as well as dodging my room mate's sword attacks, I had to wait for the fire to stop.

As soon as it did, I grabbed for my emergency golf club and spun round to block her sword. We had a fierce fight between golf club and sword at that point, but eventually I was finally able to disarm her by using expelliarmus and even then, she was still screaming "Embrace the Archangel!" I tried to reason with her like saying "I'll embrace it if you shut the fuck up!" But she just carried on yelling it...

She wasn't really much of a threat once I took the sword of her though, I mean, she kept throwing punches at me that kind of hurt, but yeah, I was able to pin her down quite easily, in a non sexual way of course.

So eventually I got bored of the screaming and picked up the golf club and as I went to knock her out, she suddenly blinked and went "Embrace the Archangel?" That's when I hit her with the golf club. So I carried her to the bathroom, tied her up in there, and locked the door, because the door locks from the outside...

Well I should go give her some food, I'll end the post here...

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Monday, 8 October 2012

The Battle and Inappropriate Puns

So there me and my room mate are sitting on the stairs, staring at the door. We knew that slenderman was drawing near because we could hear the ominous silence coming in. I looked to my room mate and said "It's time", she nodded back and we readied our weapons. We got into our battle stances that we had been preparing the whole day.

And all of a sudden there was a large bang at the door as if something was whacking against it, at this I let out a high pitch scream which made whatever was outside make a high pitch scream and we could hear the footsteps of them running off. Then another hour later, the door was suddenly destroyed with a loud crash. Me and my room mate gasped as we looked at the doorway, standing there was a tall figure standing there, it wore a suit and had no face, but I'm not going to question that at all, whatsoever. It was slenderman.

Me and my room mate took our battle stances, getting our weapons ready for our attack. But all of a sudden, slenderman rose his arms and from him came what looked like mini slendermans! They immediatly began to attack me and my room mate, whacking us with mini tentacles, it was actually quite annoying.

So I used my fist of iron to start punching them into the ground, every time I hit one, they seem to disappear in a flash of smoke. As I was punching them I looked over at my room mate and saw her using her iron sword of fire aspect like a pro, slashing through the mini slendermans like they were butter and to make it better, she even had a chance of setting them on fire!

Eventually the mini slenderman's numbers started to decrease until finally with a kick, I killed the last one. Me and my room mate did a quick fist bump before we looked back at slenderman, except... he wasn't by the door anymore. We looked around the house and found him in the kitchen going through our fridge! I tapped slenderman's back and as he turned around I said "Hey slenderman, you're about to get fisted..." and punched him with my fist of iron. But all I managed to do was make his tie, slightly messed up.

He then began laughing, well he looked like he was laughing, he doesn't exactly have a mouth... I saw a tentacle rise from his back, preparing to strike me down. I clenched my eyes shut, preparing for my inevitable death when all of a sudden I heard a window smash. I quickly turned round and saw some guy in a gas mask bursting through the window and using the sink to propel himself towards slenderman, tackling him.

Me and my room mate stood there and watched slenderman and the gas mask fellow rolling around wrestling on the floor. But eventually they began to slow down, they had clearly tuckered each other out. So I took the opportunity to get some revenge on slenderman, I looked over at my room mate and shouted "Use the limit break!" She nodded and leaped towards the slenderman sword pointed towards him, I punched her feet with my fist of iron to propel her towards him but I basically just smashed her foot with iron which seems to have broken it and she kind of just flopped onto floor, I looked up to see slenderman facing our direction as if to say "WTF?". The Gas mask guy used the opportunity of slenderman being distracted and shot him with a ray of light that came from his hands.

The Gas mask guy grabbed onto the weakened slenderman and with a flash they were gone. It was over, me and my room mate had done it, we survived. I guess I should go help my room mate clean up.

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Upcoming Battles and Slenderman's Weird Intentions

So today is the day that I predicted slenderman was going to come back (well reading the note he left is pretty much the same as me predicting it). Me and my room mate are practically ready, shes got her iron sword with fire aspect ready and I've got my fist of iron ready to smash. Slenderman is going to get destroyed one way or another.

In all honesty though I'm a little nervous of his intentions, I mean he literally stripped my room mate's clothes off before sticking her to the wall, the hell is up with that? I hope he doesn't do it to me... NO! I can't think like that, me an my room mate will strip him, and see how he likes it! I'm going to start with the tie...

I am so ready for this! I'm pretty sure slenderman is going to show up soon so I'm going to go and put on the one thing we're missing... Littlekuriboh's parody songs. LETS DO THIS!

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Stripping and Slenderman

So once I got my room mate down she told me about how a tall faceless thing wearing a suit came in, knocked her out, stripped off her clothes at some point and then stuck her to ceiling. I've never heard of this tall faceless thing before so I'll just call it slenderman. Slenderman must of been the one who turned down the TV, which really pisses me off because he also broke the volume controls to make it loud again (both on the TV and the remote).

When I was getting my room mate down I noticed a note lying on the bed it was hand written really badly, I think it says 'I'm coming back tomorrow!' I think it was left by slenderman who's saying that he'll come back tomorrow!

So me and my room mate are getting ready to battle him once he returns, luckily my room mate has an iron sword with fire aspect. And me? I have an iron glove with spikes on it, it doesn't have any enchantments on it but I think I can still do some damage to slenderman. We've barricaded the front door so he won't be able to get in. Its kind of awkward though because the mailbox is closed up too so we can't get any of our mail.

I should be finishing this post really, me and my room mate have some more stuff to prepare for.

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

Silence and Sticky Black Slime


So there I was walking into my apartment and straight away I could tell something was off... there was way to much of an ominous silence as I walked in, usually when I walk in, my room mate would be doing her 4:00pm karaoke but I couldn't hear a thing. I tried to fix it by screaming, it worked for a while but eventually I ran out of breath and the silence came back. I knew something was amiss.

So being the ace detective that I was, I went looking around the house, I did a barrel roll into the living room and noticed that the TV was on...on mute that is. Me and my room mate have a rule here, the TV is to always stay on maximum volume. This was starting to making me worry. But I knew I had to keep looking around. There was literally nothing in the other rooms so I knew that was normal, that's when I heard something come from upstairs.

As I ninja'd my way up the stairs I noticed that there was a thick smell emanating from my room mate's room it smelled like that thing that grows in your cup of milk if you leave it for to long...this couldn't be true though I room mate was lactose intolerant! At this thought I sprinted up the stairs and kicked down my room mate's bedroom door (It took a few kicks, I mean, I'm not the hulk).

As I walked in I saw that everything was...normal. The smell was still there but it was alright because like you know how you get used to a smell after a while, it was kinda like that. I was about to leave when for some reason that I'm not going to explain I looked up at the ceiling, there I saw something that made me want to projectile vomit all over the room.

It was my room mate, he was just kinda hanging there, nude and covered in sticky black slime (I knew it was sticky because I reached up and touched it. The slime was kinda like censoring out my room mate so that was considerate of whoever did this to them. My room mate looked at me with fear in her eyes and said nothing because her mouth was covered up.

And here I am now... I'm a little bit startled by it but I'm going to have be brave. I suppose I should rap up this post and get my room mate off the ceiling.

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.