Sunday, 13 January 2013

Writerer vs AllfⓍurthwall


Damn it... Its been like 2 weeks of walking up these stairs and all I can see are posters of different Scare Mythos members doing weird poses, I have no idea why they have these all hung up on the stairway. They are very well taken though, I should find out who took pictures of them after all this.

I don't know why I've not been getting hungry or thirsty or not needing to use the bathroom, maybe its due to the magical enchantments of the buildings which are obviously there. I can tell because I'm amazing like that. I wonder what'll happen if I broke- Oh thank god! I've arrived at the next chamber!

Whoa... this is kind of a weird set up... Its just a large white room, with a giant computer screen on a wall, it... has my blog displayed on it! I know this is kind of creepy, but I'm flattered that people are reading my blog! Oh, there's a guy here, sitting on a chair in the center of the room, he's looking at me, I should probably make some dialogue with him before we do battle.


Writerer: You! Scare Mythos leader! Its time to do battle! State thy name!
???: My designated name is AllfⓍurthwall.
Writerer: What do you mean by designated?
AllfⓍurthwall: I mean the name that I was given by the writer of this blog.
Writerer: Me?
AllfⓍurthwall: *Laughter* You think that you're the writer of this blog, I can see why you would think that, but no, you are just a character, created by a man named Connor Saupe.
Writerer: *Sigh* I don't have time for this.

I'm rushing over to AllfⓍurthwall preparing to strike him with my Laser Claymore which I had the whole time I've been here, because I was given it by the Scares. Time for him to lose- What the hell? I just went through him!

AllfⓍurthwall: I'm sorry, Writerer, but that won't work, you see, I've been giving a special ability by Connor that will make it interested for the readers of this story.
Writerer: Seriously, what the hell are you on about?
AllfⓍurthwall: We aren't real people Writerer, I myself am just a joke character based on a member of the Fear Mythos's username.
Writerer: What?
AllfⓍurthwall: This whole blog is just a story to attempt to make people laugh by making fun of fictional beings named Fears. You're in no control of your actions.

I'm trying to slash at him with my Laser Claymore while we're talking but it just keeps going through him! This guy is just annoying me now, I'm obviously not a fictional character.

AllfⓍurthwall: Its pointless Writerer, I won't be defeated by you, Connor has already decided that I can only be defeated by commenters.

Screw this, I'm just going to keep slashing at him!

Whoa, what the hell, AllfⓍurthwall just suddenly got slashed by some invisible sword, I'm not even touching him! Ouch, that looks like it hurt...

Now the invisible sword is stabbing him, seriously, this looks painful, whoever is doing this to him is just dark...

...Leaves just shot out of nowhere and took off one of AllfⓍurthwall's arms.

...and now some guy just appeared out of nowhere and is whacking AllfⓍurthwall to death with a tonfa. I'm confused now. Oh, and now he's gone.

AllfⓍurthwall is just fading into darkness now, we must have been having a shadow game. I don't really know what just happened but you know what, I'm just going to carry on... to the next leader of the Scare Mythos.



Good Luck in your endeavours, Writerer.


  1. Ehm...what am I supposed to do.
    I guess you want me to slash him.
    Ehm... *slash*

  2. *Stabbity stab stab*

    Bulbasaur used razor leaf.
    It's super effective!

    Like that? <.<

  3. Drake used Tonfa!

    It wasn't very effective...

    Drake: Shut the hell up Fakenome!

    Drake continues inneffectually hitting the comment section with his tonfa.

  4. *stab*
