Thursday 1 November 2012

Walking and More Walking

So from what the map says, me and Danny are going to have to pass through three main areas, the map calls them; The Forest of Void, Bliss Inner city and The Jagged Corner. I don't exactly know what they look like though, the map literally just displays names. Danny says it doesn't need pictures but I think you readers agree with me that the pictures are the only thing that makes maps at all interesting.

The map says that we're gonna have to pass through The Forest of Void first and to be honest, I'm not to fussed about going to it... I mean, how bad can voids possibly be? By looking at the map, people not knowing the name of the forest is probably how the forest is going to get them. I asked Danny if he's ever been to it and he said its sprung up only recently.

I hope we get their soon, we've kind of just been walking this whole time, I wanted to get a Bliss taxi but I sunk all my money on the Bliss hotel room that I never even used and Danny doesn't have any money... I'm pretty sure he's a Bliss hobo. The reason that I'm able to rest my legs and type up this post at the moment is because Danny started stabbing a tree...

Oh wait, he's apparently done now... I guess I should end this post up then.

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

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