Monday 26 November 2012

Tale of Recollection #3

Taking the mobile out of my pocket with break-neck speed, I looked to find a text saying. Yo, LW, meeting at the old rec. centre at exactly 6pm, don't be late. Peace out! -Slendawg. I couldn't help but think that the name was familiar. I looked at the watch that was now on my wrist and saw that it was 5:40... I only had 20 minutes or this woman would be tardy, and as a hero, I won't allow that.

I looked over at a parking lot to see a man on his moped, so I quickly ran over and flying jump kicked him off of it. While still in the air, I grabbed the handle of the moped and ninja'd my way onto the seat, swiftly driving as fast as I could towards to the rec. centre.

Now don't ask me how I knew which way it was.

Dodging cars as I went at the extreme speed as I was going (making sure not to go above 87mph in case of time travel of course) I was suddenly confronted by two police cars. I quickly went around them, but they gave chase to me, we went streaming down the roads, dodging obstacles. I tried to lose them, but these two were not budging, the police officers in the rider's seat began shooting at me, I needed to lose them soon or I'd be seriously hurt. So I activate the oil trap mechanism and the oil spurted out of the back of the moped and the police cars lost control as they drove over it. Seeing that they had crashed, I realised that I had beaten them. But I quickly pressed on the breaks and realised that the rec. centre was on the other side of town.

Now don't ask how I knew that.

So activating the turbo boosters of the moped I raced back down and managed to reach the rec. centre with 2 minutes to spare. I had done it, I saved this woman who's body I am in from being tardy. I knocked on the door and was greeted by a tall looking man wearing a hoodie and a backwards baseball cap, I looked up and with bemused horror, I saw that the man... had no face. Immediately I realised how similar he looked to slenderman on a casual friday.

 He looked at me and said "Aw yeah! Hows it rolling LW?!" and he raised his hand for a high five. Now I'm not a man to turn down a high five but I was so bemused and horrified that I just stood there frozen in place. "LW? Whats up dawg?" and suddenly a look of realisation came upon his face.

Now don't ask me how he had a look of realisation when he has no face.

"Yo man, you is him in it... the Writerer?" He said, suddenly fist pumping into the air. He turned and shouted to inside the Rec. Centre "Yo guys, LW did, she brought the Writerer!" All of a sudden I had this guy bringing me inside the Rec. Centre, I didn't resist because I was still frozen with bemusement and horror. Seriously, don't feel those two feelings at the same time... it messes you up. So we walked into the community centre and we were greeted by a strange looking group of people.

"WELCOME TO OUR DOMAIN WRITERER!" a loud voice suddenly said, behind me, this made me scream which proceeded to make all the other people in the room scream for about 30 minutes, so by the time we all calmed down, it was starting to get dark outside. I turned around to see a giant pink blob in the middle of the room. "I AM THE LOUD, WRITERER, AND TOGETHER WE ARE THE SCARES!" it shouted at me, I held my hands over my ears but to no avail as the loud continued, "WE ARE IN NEED GREAT HELP WRITERER, AND YOU SHALL BE THE ONE TO HELP US."

I wasn't surprised that they wanted me to help as I am pretty awesome but as I was about to ask what I needed to do, the loud talked over me, shouting "BUT YOU ARE WEARY! AND YOU MUST BECOME ACCUSTOMED TO THIS AREA! SO GO NOW AND RETURN IN ROUGHLY ONE MONTH'S TIME!" All of a sudden I was in a swanky hotel room, I looked down at myself and I was even in my own body again. I looked around and saw a note on the mirror which said


So yeah, that ends my tales of recollection, this is where I am now, I've been busy exploring the place,  I asked some people what this place was called and they told me it was the Full City. Its almost time for me to go back to the rec. centre again and I am pumped, I'm gonna help them so hard. But until then...

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

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